Change happens in EMS, healthcare and business almost daily.

Keeping up, getting ahead and even creating new solutions helps your organization remain relevant, competitive and vibrant. That requires thorough analysis, adaptable operations, effective marketing and continuous leadership development.  I can help. 

Since 1988, I have consistently provided clients with the best advice, information and education available. Let’s connect and discuss your needs in strict confidence and with no obligation.

Meet Bob Holdsworth

I am very fortunate to still be actively part of the emergency service and healthcare communities enjoying a career that now spans more than 40 years.

During those years I’ve spent 4½ years in prison … as a medic and corrections officer … held  executive leadership positions in several for-profit EMS agencies, volunteer positions in both EMS and Fire agencies and served as the EMS Coordinator at Lawrence & Memorial Hospital where I developed and ran a hospital based, regional ALS service.

This uniquely diverse and lengthy career allows me to bring state-of-the-industry as well as historical perspective to each of my consulting assignments.

The services that we offer are the direct result of providing what our clients identify as their needs:

  • EMS system & EMS agency reviews
  • Ambulance/Paramedic bid, RFP and contract negotiation
  • Regionalization, mergers and/or consolidation assistance
  • Billing & collection process and payer mix analysis
  • Developing strategic business and marketing plans
  • One-on-one executive leadership coaching


Every organization gets stuck, stagnant, set in their ways and for many this trend can be the beginning of the end.  Often an unbiased, fresh set of eyes can help you identify opportunities and create powerful action steps that can better position your agency.

I look forward to learning more about your needs and finding a way to help you build for the future.   Please schedule a free 30-minute session with me, by using the link below, and let’s see if working together makes sense.

Be safe, be well,

We really appreciate you coming, all of the presentations that you delivered were well received and had a lot of folks talking, good thing of course.

It’s refreshing to see a speaker like you come in and be so well received.

Brandon F

Just a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate your guidance. Although I don’t normally make a point to write thank you’s, I didn’t want to let this opportunity pass without taking the time to let you know what has taken place as a result of our discussions. Putting the simple suggestions that you have provided us with into practice has proved to be an invaluable tool.

Jeff C.

Thank you again for your time and expertise today. Your willingness to take time out of your busy schedule to meet with the Town Manager, Finance Director, and me is very appreciated and is a testament to the caliber of your organization. I speak with your staff on the phone frequently and I always find them to be cheerful and ready to assist with whatever I need–no matter their workload. On several occasions, I’ve been asked by my boss–last minute–for data, and your staff always comes through and exceeds my expectations. One of the hallmarks of a great organization is leaving the client with a “Wow!” reaction to customer service. I’m always left with that reaction when I deal with The Holdsworth Group.

Marc A. Scrivener
Fire Chief, City of Willimantic

On behalf of the Wetzel County Emergency Ambulance Authority, Inc. Board of Directors, I wish to thank you for all that you and your firm have done for our organization during the last few months.

I must admit that, in the beginning, I was skeptical that you or anyone else could find a solution to all the problems that we were facing in Wetzel County.  I say ‘were’ because it is apparent that the recommendation your firm made and the ones that the Board implemented to date have permitted us to actually see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I realize that we have a long way to go, but also realize the we have made major decisions that have put us on the path to recovery.

Jimmy L. Colvin
President, Wetzel County Emergency Ambulance Authority, Inc.

The Holdsworth Group was a tremendously valuable asset during the formation of my company.  Bob and his team went above and beyond, and helped with all aspects, which included business plan advice, suggestions for our website, outlines for our social media marketing campaigns, traditional marketing materials, corporate policies and procedures, and even product guidance.  I was amazed at the width and depth of their knowledge across all aspects of my business.  The Holdsworth Group continues to provide my company with vital components required for overall success.  I HIGHLY recommend their services.

Tom DeRosa
CEO, Talon Rescue

From Bob’s Blog Perspective

The Top 10 Signs That Your EMS System Is In Trouble.

The Top 10 Signs That Your EMS System Is In Trouble.

So, how's 2020 so far?  Let's recap, pandemic, shortage of PPE, workers out sick themselves, civil unrest, an unprecedented and impressive list and we're not even 180 days into the year. Before all that started there were already economic challenges in the...

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Got Plans?

Got Plans?

As an industry we spend a lot of time on ‘transactional planning’.  Budgets, scheduling, fleet maintenance, marketing events that fall in our laps and participating in local disaster preparedness events. Yet, the vast majority of services spend little to no time...

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Buy Bob’s Books

Wading Into Chaos, written by a veteran paramedic, gives you a first hand, real life glimpse inside the chaotic world of Emergency Medical Services. Ride along and experience the emotions, the frustration, the sadness and the dark humor that accompanies responding to fatal car crashes, 14-year-old suicides, inner city gang violence, train accidents, med-e-vac helicopter landings, and the forgotten elderly who just need someone to talk to.  

Work smarter, not harder. What does it mean to be a peak performer? How do you measure success? What business strategies will propel you into a new stratosphere? This collection of essays, from the best and the brightest entrepreneurs of our day, reveals industry tested secrets for peak performance  success with you. Inside, you will find insights on everything from social media marketing to estate planning. Save yourself some time and energy.

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