We are all creatures of habit and, like water, we try to follow the familiar and well-worn path of least resistance. As humans, most of us like calm, familiar surroundings and despise, if not actively resist, change.

Because of this deep-seated desire for normalcy, scientifically called homeostasis, we creatively find new and different ways to sabotage ourselves, career success, personal growth and the success of our organizations, effectively getting in our own way and not even trying to create change…

  • “That’ll never work…a friend tried that tried it 3 years ago.”
  • “My spouse/family will never support that.”
  • “As the Administrator I have to be available at all times they expect it.”
  •  “We’ll never get that contract…they only look at the big guys.”
  • “I can’t lose weight, no work out plans work for me, it’s genetics.”

Most of the time our own indecision and second guessing about what might happen keeps us from moving forward.  FEAR…(False Evidence Appearing Real) keeps us from taking a risk, exploring the potential and truly being able to effect change.

To break the cycle, when faced with a tough decision and when that ugly little voice is yelling at you that it’s not possible, stop and ask yourself a couple of simple questions:

  1. Will anyone get hurt or die if I do or don’t do it?
  2. What’s the worst thing that could happen if this doesn’t work out?
  3. What is the risk v. the potential reward?

If no one’s going to die and you can live with the worst-case scenario should it happen and the risk is potentially equal to or bigger than the risk…DO IT…!

Paraphrasing the words of sports legends Wayne Gretzky & Michael Jordan… “You’ll miss 100% of the shots you never take.”

I’ve coached hundreds of people over the last 30+ years and I’ve found one thing to be universal…the person most often holding you back…lives in your mirror.

Is it time to broaden your horizons, take some reasonable risks, take back control and kick the crap out of your way so that you can finally move your life, your career and your organization forward? Live your best life!

If you think you might benefit from having a coach work with you and be your accountability partner, click here and let’s see if it makes sense to work together. http://www.TakeTheStrongRoad.com

Be well,


Also, here’s a great article by Harvard Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter


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Your life. Your business. Your terms. TM

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