
Sometimes, just when you need it most, a piece of information crosses your path that reframes things, offers a new perspective or simply puts the words that you NEED to hear in front of you at the exact right moment. My sincere hope is that you will find that inspiration amongst these articles.

The Top 10 Signs That Your EMS System Is In Trouble.

The Top 10 Signs That Your EMS System Is In Trouble.

So, how's 2020 so far?  Let's recap, pandemic, shortage of PPE, workers out sick themselves, civil unrest, an unprecedented and impressive list and we're not even 180 days into the year. Before all that started there were already economic challenges in the...

Got Plans?

Got Plans?

As an industry we spend a lot of time on ‘transactional planning’.  Budgets, scheduling, fleet maintenance, marketing events that fall in our laps and participating in local disaster preparedness events. Yet, the vast majority of services spend little to no time...

On The Basis of Sex

On The Basis of Sex

If you’re looking for something to do while physically separated from the rest of the world in your COVID cocoon, I suggest investing two hours in a movie called On The Basis Of Sex. It’s the story of current Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Now truth be...

PODCAST: The Daily Bread Project

PODCAST: The Daily Bread Project

I was thrilled to help with this great project bringing a daily dose of positivity into the world. "But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it." - Matthew 7:14On today's show:* Why most people don't get what they want out of...

Clean your mental closet.

Clean your mental closet.

Time to get rid of the things that no longer fit your life. This is typically the time of year when everyone talks about spring cleaning which usually involves a purge of our closets. This year we are already in 24/7 hyper-cleaning mode, wielding spray bottles of...

Business as UnUsual

Business as UnUsual

Now is the time to craft a new model for your small business. Questions are largely going unanswered because the answers are not clear. How long will this last? How long will it take to recover once we get back to ‘normal’? What will ‘normal’ actually look like. Scary...

Your mind is not in quarantine.

Your mind is not in quarantine.

Spend your social distancing time wisely … create new options for your life. As I write this on March 19, 2020, we are in the middle of something most of us have never seen. Quarantine requirements, a health scare on a global level, cities turned into ghost towns and...

To be productive … know your strengths.

To be productive … know your strengths.

As leaders of organizations we are required to wear many hats, however, no one is good at everything. Nope, not even you. Let’s be honest, there are parts of running your organization that you hate because they suck and there are others that you hate because you suck...

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