ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 8 of 8) Expect Excellence.

ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 8 of 8) Expect Excellence.

If I asked you about your organization would you puff up with pride and say that you provide great service to your clients, patients and community or would you look down at your shoes and try to pretend you’re not affiliated with the organization? We all strive to be...
ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 7 of 8) Visualize your objectives.

ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 7 of 8) Visualize your objectives.

“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra. Yes, I’m even willing to quote a member of the New York Yankees (being a Red Sox fan) to help get my point across. “Would you tell me, please, which...
ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 6 of 8) Encourage and develop yourself and your employees.

ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 6 of 8) Encourage and develop yourself and your employees.

Congratulations, you’ve been promoted to supervisor or beyond. You have a gold badge or perhaps an office and maybe even your name on the door and preferred parking. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you haven’t arrived, or reached a destination where you can sit back...
ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 4 of 8) Handle each employee and problem individually.

ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 4 of 8) Handle each employee and problem individually.

Do you consider yourself an individual worthy of attention and courtesy? Good, you should…so do your co-workers. When it comes to employees, staff, co-workers, team members, however you refer to them, one size of leadership does not fit all. In a previous section of...
ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 3 of 8)   Critique Never Criticize

ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 3 of 8) Critique Never Criticize

Former American Idol judge Simon Cowell is known for his acidic criticism of the contestants all done in front of millions of viewers. If you’ve ever watched the show you know how bad you felt for the person as he tore them apart…publicly. Have you ever...
ACHIEVE Leadership Success – (part 2 of 8)   Accept responsibility for your actions and decisions.

ACHIEVE Leadership Success – (part 2 of 8) Accept responsibility for your actions and decisions.

Accepting responsibility for actions and decisions is a very difficult process for most newly promoted leaders, in fact it can often remain an obstacle on the path to success for many leaders regardless of tenure. I’ve seen the effects of a leader’s inability to...

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