You have permission…go DO SOMETHING!

You have permission…go DO SOMETHING!

I have long lived by the adage that it is better to ask for forgiveness then get permission. In today’s climate of political correctness, shifting the blame or covering your ass, it seems to me that a lot of people are unwilling to step up and make a decision.  In...
Unlock the awesome potential of…YET

Unlock the awesome potential of…YET

If you have children, family members, friends, or co-workers who act like kids, you know the attitude that can come with attempts to learn or try new things.   “ I/we can’t do (insert topic here)” I have long believed, and taught my kids, that we need to...
You have options … complain or pivot.

You have options … complain or pivot.

Ok everyone…time for some tough love. Lately I’ve noticed that there is a whole lot of whining and complaining going on and not much acceptance, planning or action being taken to deal with the reality. It is easy to sit and bitch. Sit and think. Have a meeting....

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Your life. Your business. Your terms. TM

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