ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 7 of 8) Visualize your objectives.

ACHIEVE Leadership Success (part 7 of 8) Visualize your objectives.

“You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going, because you might not get there.” – Yogi Berra. Yes, I’m even willing to quote a member of the New York Yankees (being a Red Sox fan) to help get my point across. “Would you tell me, please, which...
Indecision or Indifference, Both Impact Your Organization

Indecision or Indifference, Both Impact Your Organization

In recent months I’ve worked with more than a dozen clients in five different states and I’ve found that two different leadership issues are damaging many of them. In five of the agencies, leadership indecision is killing morale, stopping staff participation...
Customer Service is Part of Your Mission

Customer Service is Part of Your Mission

EMS, the Fire Service, 911 communications centers, what do each of these emergency service specialties have in common? What is the one thing that is routinely overlooked by a majority of agencies? It is of course service. We are all in the service business. My...

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