I must confess right up front that some of the items on this list came from John Featherstone, the author of Start Hiring Winners. I’ve added to his starter list and amended many of the items to match our TakeTheStrongRoad mindset.

So, if you are looking to be a highly UN-successful person or be UN-successful in your career…here are the highlights of how to best accomplish your mission…hmmm…why would you want to best accomplish the mission of being UN-successful…I digress.

The top 10 habits of the UN-successful:

Stop learning
Anyone reaching a level in their educational career, a degree or a certification should be proud of the achievement but the real learning begins as you begin to apply your new knowledge in the world. To be successful, you should keep acquiring information and knowledge about your industry, company, customers, staff and the world around you…ABL (Always Be Learning).

Don’t listen – to yourself…or others
Quite often the longer someone’s been in a position, a profession or just years on the planet…a sense of ‘knowing it all’ can creep into daily habits. I often find that the newest person on the team has the most insight…they aren’t burdened with the ’cause we’ve always done it that way’ syndrome. Whether at work or just around the neighborhood, learn to ask good questions…and then stop and listen to the answers, you can learn a lot!

Sadly, many stop listening to themselves…that little inner voice that’s screaming at you but you ignore it. My experience is that without fail…if the voice is screaming at me about a decision…I need to listen…the voice is almost always right. I recently asked a coaching client this question, “how many times have you ignored your intuition and it turned out well?” Her answer … “never”.

Don’t follow instructions
Time, money and effort is wasted when a task is incomplete, incorrect or done half-assed. Also, if you are the one responsible for completion, nothing will make you less popular with your boss and co-workers than forcing them to re-explain, re-assign or re-do the task because you didn’t get it right. When given a task, make notes or ask for written instructions. The more complex the task, the more you NEED them.

Don’t complete assignments on time

Deadlines are not suggestions, they are as important to project completion as the goal lines are on a football field. If you are working on a project and get into trouble…ask for help, clarification or more information as soon as you know there is an issue. Don’t wait for your team leader to ask “how’s it going?” Teams don’t get points or win games for getting close to the goal line.

Inability to prioritize
Clients tell me all the time, “I work better under stress”. Ahh…nope you don’t and neither does anyone else. We prioritize at the last minute and laser focus on the one thing that’s due…but in the process we open the door for mistakes.

Establish project priorities when given an assignment. If you have a boss that likes to dump project after project…ask for his or her clarification on which is first, second, etc. Also you know yourself…create a daily TO DO list, do the projects that are the toughest either first or during your peak productivity period. If you are not a morning person…don’t try to work on your most complex project, on deadline, in the morning.

Keep your co-workers, or supervisors, in the dark
This partially relates back to completing tasks on time which is based around your efforts. Here we’re talking more about problems encountered along the way. Often when I’m working on a consulting assignment I’m dependent upon others getting data to me for analyze. I have to provide periodic updates to my clients about project status as well as information that is still needed/outstanding. As soon as a problem is identified, I reach out to my client contact to help resolve the issue and keep things on schedule. Speak up…no one likes surprises.

Not understanding your role
Make sure that before accepting a project/job that you are clear on your duties and responsibilities. For example, if there is no job description, offer to write one for your supervisor’s review. Clarify the expectations and results, at the beginning, between you and whomever you report to.

Have a ready list of excuses
You are going to make mistakes. There will be miscommunication and stuff happens. If you own it…own it completely. If you get known for taking credit when all is good and shifting blame, making excuses or downplaying your part when bad things happen…you will lose credibility, trust, and ultimately things will catch up with you and you will become very expendable.

Be afraid of hard work
My wife has a great saying, “everyone wants a paycheck but few are willing to work.” The best way to remain UN-successful is to be right on time both coming and going every day (being ‘on time’ means you’re late), never volunteer for assignments and whine about the work you are asked to do during a normal day (really everyone loves hearing your whining). Come to work, give an honest days work for the salary you agreed to when you were hired. If you feel that it’s unfair…ask for a raise…or leave. It’s a free country.

Be afraid to succeed
What!? Yes it’s true. I’ve met hundreds of people over the years, and I’m sure that you can think of at least 5 right off the bat, who continually sabotage themselves. They blow up relationships, screw up great jobs, drink and drive and already have 3 DUIs and any of a long list of other items. We all have deeply ingrained belief systems instilled during our childhood either intentionally or subconsciously that govern what we think we are capable of achieving. “You’ll never amount to anything.” “Money and success are the roots of all evil.” “No one in our family was ever in management, we’re blue collar all the way”, these and other comments may be a very real part of your life and holding you back.

If you are in this situation…there is hope. Anyone can break out of a pattern of UN-successful living/working. If you’re honest in identifying it, are willing to work for the changes and if you truly want what success can bring to you and your family, you can change the course you’re on.

It’s not easy…if it was there would be a whole lot less people living UN-happy, UN-fulfilling and UN-successful lives. You don’t need to be one of them.

Shameless plug: If you want to change and can’t seem to do it alone, perhaps working with a coach might be right for you. Visit us @ TakeTheStrongRoad.com and booking a complimentary 30-minute Discovery call to discuss where you want to go.

Be well,


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