So, how’s 2020 so far?  Let’s recap, pandemic, shortage of PPE, workers out sick themselves, civil unrest, an unprecedented and impressive list and we’re not even 180 days into the year. Before all that started there were already economic challenges in the industry, new competition, staff recruitment and retention issues.  It is important for all leaders to take time to reflect on what’s going well and what hasn’t been during the last 18 months.  We all get caught up working IN our agencies instead of working ON them.  As the saying goes…“those that don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it”…

I thought I’d compile our Top 10 list of the biggest issues that our clients have reported; the things that got their service into trouble or that prevented them from getting ahead.

10.       Failure to have a plan that goes past next Thursday night’s schedule

9.         An US vs. THEM attitude between leaders and staff or between paid and volunteer personnel

8.         Lack of a consistent marketing / PR / image management mindset at all levels of the agency

7.         No formal leadership development program

6.         Poor relationships with community leaders (see #8)

5.         Inconsistent funding and a lack of knowledge about revenue sources both internally and by community leaders  (see #6 and #8)

4.         Significant staffing / response issues

3.         Poor staff participation and morale that sucks

2.         Not understanding and communicating with the 8 customer groups  you serve  (To read more about this – click here)

1.         Refusal to embrace change

These issues may be plaguing you, your service and your ability to operate at your best.  If you are facing any of them, what are you plans to reduce or eliminate them?  The only way to make a change is to take action. Can you do it alone or do you need to ask for help?

Actually, if you’re like most of our clients, if you had the time, you’d have fixed the problems by now.  Most often clients come to us because they either didn’t have the time or the in-house resources… don’t let these two obstacles hold you back.

We have both Strategic Planning as well as Executive Coaching services available.  If you want to have an ally in your corner, dedicated to helping you and your service grow and succeed in 2020 and beyond, perhaps we can help.

All of us here at The Holdsworth Group ( wish you only the best as you serve your communities with dedication.

Let’s stay connected.  I’ll keep you updated on articles, events and other cool happenings. 
Your life. Your business. Your terms. TM

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