If you have children, family members, friends, or co-workers who act like kids, you know the attitude that can come with attempts to learn or try new things.   “ I/we can’t do (insert topic here)”

I have long believed, and taught my kids, that we need to rephrase and rethink that statement.

EVERY time my kids, team members or clients utter a sentence like, “I can’t do math.”  “I can’t get people to participate!”  or any other “I can’t stop thinking about ____”,  “I don’t know how to get past this”  I make them repeat their sentence again and simply add the word YET to the end of it.  The power in that simple word is amazing.

Adding that word into you vocabulary does not allow you to throw your hands in the air because things get hard.  Instead, the power of the word YET sets us in motion looking for ways around, over or through the obstacle.

Most of us fall into set ways of doing things.  Our work schedules, our relationships, our ways of coping with stress, even when they are self-destructive. We rely on them “because we’ve always done it that way” and because it gives us comfort. We never stop to think about the impacts of these choices in the long term on our mental and physical well-being.

Challenge yourself to adopt new ways of thinking, ways to adapt, ways to grow.  Look for alternatives to the status quo and ways that you can stand out from the pack.  Start with something simple, eat a new type of food, or at a new restaurant.  Commute to work using a different route.  Be a rebel, wear mismatched socks…anything to break the routine.

Embrace the power of YET. 

  • I haven’t tried that … YET.
  • I haven’t looked at other jobs or other careers … YET.
  • I haven’t looked at all of the options seriously … YET.

You don’t have to take the initiative to educate yourself or look for new options or find new ways of working together or a new way of coping with stress. You can stay complacent, continue to feel stressed, allow your health to deteriorate and miss out on what a really solid relationship can feel like … nothing will happen to you… YET !

Or you can be honest with yourself and decide to make some changes for your own health and well-being. To discuss your challenges confidentially, contact me @ TakeTheStrongRoad.com.

Live your best life, you deserve it!

Be well,


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Your life. Your business. Your terms. TM

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