I have long lived by the adage that it is better to ask for forgiveness then get permission.

In today’s climate of political correctness, shifting the blame or covering your ass, it seems to me that a lot of people are unwilling to step up and make a decision.  In fact, it’s been my experience lately that anyone willing to show even a glimmer of leadership is heralded as a brave soul.  Some follow…at a distance… to see if the leader is slaughtered or successful.   If successful, their influence multiplies and many join the movement.

If you are that brave soul and you do something powerful, meaningful, inspiring…and live through it…you will be besieged by people with questions.  Embrace the supporters and tune out the detractors.

There is another old saying…you can tell a leader by all the arrows in their BACK.  If you are interested in making a difference in your life, your family, your community and your workplace then you have to step forward and separate yourself from the herd. 

It’s critical that you say what the others need to hear. Many around you do not want you to succeed, accept that fact and succeed anyway. You need to be your own best advocate. Separate yourself from toxic people. If you are not living your best life, craft a plan to fix it. 

Ok, if you’re still not sure it’s ok to do this and you’re waiting for permission…I give you permission.  Do it!

Change the way you show up in the world. Change the discussions that you have with others. Make a career change. If you are a business leader, fire the client that is sucking up too much of your organization’s time and resources for not enough reward (you know like they don’t pay).  Take on a community project, support a community group, because YOU want to, regardless of political correctness.

If you career is already in a great place, mentor others.  Set the standard.  Seek out ideas from your team members (not ‘staff’, not ‘employees’…team members).   Even if someone leaves your organization as their career grows, you will have helped improve their life, your life and a little corner of the world.

You never know where a well placed conversation, the power derived from an example, or embracing a public habit of self-improvement will take you.  Be a catalyst.

BAM!   There…you were just struck with the magic empowerment stick… you have permission…GO DO SOMETHING.  

If this scares you, good. Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Change can be scary however well planned and executed change can be cathartic and life affirming. Need some guidance? Let’s talk.

Let’s stay connected.  I’ll keep you updated on articles, events and other cool happenings. 
Your life. Your business. Your terms. TM

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